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Über Zollverein
Über Zollverein

Digital World Heritage

Discover Zollverein virtually

From home and on site

Zollverein is just a few clicks away!

Take a walk through the UNESCO World Heritage site, immerse yourself in the history of Zollverein with a guide and hear stories about the colliery and coking plant, learn exciting facts on a tour of the site – all of this is also possible digitally. A virtual tour and apps bring the World Heritage Site into your living room or smartphone.

The Zollverein app
Where? What? When? A glance at your smartphone now answers these questions.

Finding the quickest way past the huge halls, over team bridges and on the paths in the Zollverein Park from A to B? It’s easy with the Zollverein app. In contrast to other map tools, the app actually records all the locations on the World Heritage Site and is always kept up to date.

The 3D map encourages you to take a walk and explore Zollverein on your own. Or you can follow the GPS-guided tours to exciting places at Zollverein, including a route specially designed for children.

Historical use & calendar of events
The app also provides information about the current and historical use of the buildings and facilities. Or you can use the events calendar to view guided tours, exhibitions or events.

The Klangtour Kunst, an audio walk developed especially for Zollverein by the artist duo Nadelør, adds a new, fascinating dimension to the art at the Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Wherever you are: Zollverein on Google Arts & Culture
Far away right now and no chance to visit the most beautiful colliery in the world in person? Discover the huge facilities and impressive architecture of the Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site on 360-degree tours, for example via the monument trail – anytime and anywhere in your browser or via app. Get to know the exciting history of what was once the largest coal mine in the world, visit the Ruhr Museum and numerous exhibitions on virtual tours and immerse yourself in the Zollverein Park with its incredible biodiversity. Find out more about the art at Zollverein and travel through the past and present of the Ruhr region in the Portal of Industrial Heritage. Experience all facets of the world heritage site on Google Arts & Culture.

Embark on a digital journey through the heart of the Ruhr region!