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The Ruhr Museum's new central depot and Schaudepot is a museum storage facility in the spectacular industrial setting of the former salt factory on the UNESCO World Heritage Site Zollverein. The Ruhr Museum deposits and presents parts of its natural science, archaeological and historical collections. On guided tours, visitors can wander through over a hundred years of the history of the collection, get to know key objects and at the same time take a look behind the scenes and at the working methods of a large museum of natural and cultural history.

The Schaudepot is clearly different from classical museums, since it does not present an exhibition on specific topics but rather the collections, which are arranged according to specific criteria. It serves as a repository for future exhibitions and impressively illustrates the three main tasks of a museum: collecting, preserving and researching. Nature, culture, history The path through the Ruhr Museum’s Schaudepot runs from top to bottom. The panorama lift takes visitors up to the top level with spectacular views of the individual floors and their different collections. From there, the path leads over the three levels to the nature, culture and history back to the ground floor. The travel of time begins chronologically with the oldest items in the natural science collections and leads via archaeology and the pre-modern collections of the Middle Ages and early modern times to the area of industrial and contemporary history of the last 200 years.

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The Schaudepot is clearly different from classical museums, since it does not present an exhibition on specific topics but rather the collections, which are arranged according to specific criteria. It serves as a repository for future exhibitions and impressively illustrates the three main tasks of a museum: collecting, preserving and researching. Nature, culture, history The path through the Ruhr Museum’s Schaudepot runs from top to bottom. The panorama lift takes visitors up to the top level with spectacular views of the individual floors and their different collections. From there, the path leads over the three levels to the nature, culture and history back to the ground floor. The travel of time begins chronologically with the oldest items in the natural science collections and leads via archaeology and the pre-modern collections of the Middle Ages and early modern times to the area of industrial and contemporary history of the last 200 years.

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Stiftung Zollverein

Bullmannaue 11
45327 Essen

Vorstand: Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Noll (Vorsitzender),
Prof. Heinrich Theodor Grütter
Vorsitzender des Stiftungsrates: Bernd Tönjes

Telefon 0201 246810
www.zollverein.de | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

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© Sven Lorenz / Ruhrpol – Street Food Market / schüngelschwarz – Agentur für Kommunikation / Jochen Tack / The Third Room / Frank Vinken / Ulrich Weichert / Thomas Willemsen